The Pause We Really Need | words from Kate

Have you ever had one of those experiences where you do something and you are not sure why you are doing it​? ​​And, if you looked at ​your actions “logically​,​” ​they​ even seem​ed​ a little crazy​, but you just know that you are supposed to be doing ​what you are doing​. ​For me, ​that has been what leading Illuminating Wellness Retreats ​has felt like. Logically they ​do not make sense​ when I am preparing them,​ yet I know I am supposed to be doing them. ​However, the other day​ I finally received the clear answer...

I was ​in yoga class and the teacher ​was discussing the ways in which ​all our technological devices are designed to make our lives easier​ and,​ instead, ​they are taxing and depleting our nervous systems​. With them we feel​​ that we are "plugged in and connected, and thus we are always ​"​tuned in and turned on​.​” ​This can cause the onset of anxiety, panic, depression, overwhelm, etc. for many. In that moment, a light bulb went off and I realized the purpose of retreats. 

We all need places where we can turn off, let go, and unwind. ​This kind of pause is fundamental ​to our health and wellbeing. Without a break from being "connected", we ​become lost​ to ourselves and to each other. Retreats are about getting away, taking a step back ​from "it all" so that way can really step back into our own being. ​Retreats are the place ​of true reconnection. 

​​The really great thing is that you can retreat almost anywhere. Retreating can be as simple or as lavish as you want. You can take five minutes or five days. However you choose to do it​,​ I encourage each of you to retreat. Your body and being will thank you​.​



Deborah Colley