Self Care | words from Kate

Lately a lot of clients have been coming in and speaking about their need for self care. After some reflection, I see that in my own life, self care goes hand and hand with self connection. When I am more connected to myself, self care almost comes naturally. I take time to read, to rest, to exercise and it all seems to flow. When I am going against myself; allowing others expectations to over ride my needs or putting my "heck yes’s" aside for someone else; my self care becomes the hardest to manage and maintain. I once asked an amazing yoga teacher, Felicity Green, if my physical challenge was coming from an emotional place, do I need to heal the emotional piece first in order for the physical to heal? She said “No, they go hand and hand. As you heal one, the other will heal.” I feel that self care and self connection are the same. The more I practice the one, the more I experience the other and visa versa. It is a delightful circle.



Deborah Colley