Finding Your Ebb & Flow | words from Kate

I just got back from a wonderful retreat in Sedona. The days were filled lots of laughter, comfy naps, good hiking, yummy food, great bodywork, awesome conversations and new friendships being made. On the day that everyone was arriving, I picked an oracle card that expressed something to the point of “You do not have to be in control of everything. Let others in and be open to new ideas and different ways of doing things.” That simultaneously gave me a big chuckle, a feeling of overwhelm, and an inner sigh of relief. In preparation for the retreat I had made a lot of notes and plans for activities that I thought would make for great retreat week. The idea of letting these plans go was a little overwhelming. But then there was that inner sigh of relief. It was my inner wisdom reminding me that we are never doing things alone. No matter what we are doing or whom we are doing it with, life is always a dance between the planned and the improvised. A dance of ebb and flow. A dance of time and priorities. I can happily and honestly say that last week in Sedona, we danced beautifully. It was a success!

Happy dancing,


Deborah Colley