Yuletide & Solstice Activities | rest & reflect
Saturday, December 21 is the Winter Solstice. It's the end (or beginning) of the solar calendar year and many celebrate both the renewing & restful energy of darkness and the return to light! The Winter Solstice has also been referred to as Yule, where light reigned over darkness. As most of us know, our Christmas traditions around decorating with pine, holly and other evergreens come from Yule, but the lighting of your house by candle light, Christmas lights and or by firelight all come from this tradition too! How cozy, warm and reflective/reminiscent one can feel when cuddled up on the couch on a cold December night, basking in the warm glow of your Christmas tree!
There are many ways you can celebrate the Winter Solstice such as spending time writing in a journal, inner reflection, taking a candle lit bath, lighting a fire outside or inside, going to restorative yoga class, etc. Either way, take advantage of the renewing energy of the darkness and take time to be quiet, restful, and reflective.