Stepping Into My Own Power | words from Kate

I have been having so many interesting and insightful conversations this week, and one particular discussion has really made an impact on me. It was about how thoughts, points of views and perceptions create the life one lives. As I let this insight settle in, I realized, “Wow, if I truly believe this then I am powerful. Truly I am!” I do not always see, or even want to see, how powerful I am, partly because I do not always want to take full responsibility for the life that I am living or for the “challenges” that I am having. It feels easier to pretend that life is happening to me.

The way I was raised can also influence my sense of personal power. I was taught that in honoring my power I was not being the good Catholic school girl I was raised to be. God was the powerful one and I had to give my power over to him as he was/is the director of my life. While I have since moved on from my religious upbringing, the habits of my childhood thinking run deep! 

Over time I have learned to step more into my power and have embraced the knowledge that I am the creator of my life. The more I accept this as true for me and lean into it, the more my life flows in greater harmony. And when the “challenges” arise, I ask, “why did I create this? What is the gift in this experience?” 



Deborah Colley