Balancing Our Gifts | Words from Kate
I have been thinking a lot about balance this week, noticing where I am in balance in my life and where I am not. I noticed for the most part that I have a good balance between my introverted and my extroverted "selves." I have great daily balance between doing and being. I also noticed that my biggest challenge around balance is around giving and receiving . I love to give and to share, whether it be a hug, my knowledge or a bottle of rescue remedy. It is so much harder for me to receive. When I receive I always feel like I have to give something back.
Last month I hurt my back and I had to rely on others a lot, meaning I had to receive help and support. I knew that outside of a grateful "thank you" I would not be able to “make it up” to them. It was hard because I did not want to be a “burden.” I did not my injury to be “nuisance” to their life. I tried to just accept and be ok with receiving the help, but even that was hard. This was pretty crazy to realize because I know when a friend is in need I will gladly lend a hand, help out, or be there for support. What I have realized is that when I give to another, I am also giving to myself. It feels good to share. Yet when I am not open to receiving, I am taking the gift of giving (that I so enjoy) from the other person.
In the end, both the act of giving and receiving are true gifts . It is a gift to receive and a gift to give. As I continue to move through my injury, I am doing my best to stay in a place of receiving. There will be time to give in the future, but for now my lesson in balance is in the receiving.
With Gratitude,