Being vs Doing | words from Kate

Being vs Doing | Words From Kate

I recently got together with a friend for a cup of coffee on what felt like a quintessential summer morning. I found myself soaking up the time and truly enjoying my friend, the conversation, my cup of coffee and the beauty of the day. After I left, I realized how infrequently this summer I have allowed myself to just sit and BE. Don't get me wrong this summer has been full of doing wonderful adventures and fun times. And I loved it. Though there was not much balance. The slowing down to read a book under the shade of a tree or having lazy mornings in conversations with friends was definitely missing and I felt it.  

If I am being honest with myself, my pattern of favoring "doing" over being is not new. It is one I have struggled with for awhile, though I do give myself grace since we live in a society that values accomplishments and productivity. However, no matter what my habit, comfort or pattern is with this productive type of living, I know that when I do slow down and embrace that state of "Being." I find myself happier, less stressed, healthier, more engaged with my family and more engaged with life overall.

In my contemplation of all of this, I remembered this line from Coming Full Circle by Lynn Andrews, “You were in danger, because you kept taking the same trails over and over again. You were like a mouse in a maze, digging for food in the same little holes, trying to find something new, but staying on the same trail.” It made me realize that if I really want to shift and find more balance between the two different modes of "doing" and "being," I am going to have to discover and be open to a new trail. I am curious to see what shows up!



Kate Carei-Eakins